Friday, 13 June 2008

Golda's Balcony

Last night I went to see a one woman play at the theatre I work in Kings Cross : Golda's Balcony.( Well I was actually doing my shift at the theatre.) It is a one woman play about the Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. It was breathtaking. Not only was it educational, but I was also mesmerized and impressed by Tovah Fledshuh's performance.

The auditorium fitted about 500 people. It is a very intimate theatre and the seats were almost sold out. I sat at the last row and I was touched by the performance; the text, the energy, the emotion, the humour, Ms Fledshuh was powerful. Usually during show time I would just walk around to kill time but in this show I actually sat down for the whole 90 minutes. More interestingly, I now know more about the religion, the birth of Israel and other political and historical facts. Fascinating!

The Q and A session was informational and lively. Ms Fledshuh spoke about the process of rehearsing the play, how she approached the text, the places she visited and the research she did. She also spoke about the charity she does for Israel. She has an amazingly entertaining personality.

A couple days ago she gave gifts to all the theatre staff as a way of saying thank you for selling her tickets. I mean I am only working for pocket money but her gesture made me feel appreciated.

After I finish hoovering the front of house, picked up rubbish in the auditorium and flirt a little with the tall tough bodyguard of hers that night, I finally got her autograph. Oh and I also took photo with her : )

During the Q and A session, a man asked her if she was upset that most of the audience are Jewish? She answered " You know what, I'm an American. As long as you pay for your seats I'm happy!"
If only she knew she had a Muslim in the audience that night. LOL

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